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Cru is a campus ministry that is about two things: Jesus and Community. Let's start with community. Being alone is miserable. Sometimes even worse though, is being around a whole lot of people (like on a college campus) and still being alone.

That's why at Cru we strive to be a real community. We don't want to fake it. We want to get into each other's lives, and really know, challenge, and help each other as friends. And we want to have a blast doing it!

Secondly, we love Jesus. Plain and simple. We think he's the greatest person to ever walk the earth, and that being in a relationship with him is what life's all about. 


In fact, we love him so much that we want everyone else on West Chester's campus to have a chance to know him too. That's the main reason we're around. The best way to get to know us is to hang out with us.

Check out our Cru night, every Thursday at 7PM. Get involved in a Bible study. Or, come to one of our social events that happen pretty much every weekend.

Lastly, meet the Staff Members who help us grow in our faith, and read our Statement of Faith which explains more about we believe.

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